ffects of the Properties by Filling Nano-Particles into Epoxy Resin Based Underfiller
ZHAN G Xin , GUO Wen-li , L IAN G Tong-xiang
( Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology , Tsinghua University , Beijing 100084 , <st1:country-region w:st="on">China)
ABSTRACT:The nano-composites were prepared by filling nano2particles SiO2 , TiO2 , Al2O3 , ZnO into epoxy resin based underfill. The effect s of nano2fillers on moisture absorption , thermal property and shearing st rength were studied. The experiment result s show that using a small amount of nano-particles SiO2 , Al2O3 and ZnO can apparently improve the moisture absorption property of underfiller , and particularly , the lowest percentage of moisture absorption can be obtained by filling 3 % ( by mass) ZnO nano2particles. In addition , a relatively higher heat resistance property by adding nano2paritcles can be obtained and an elevated shearing st rength can be reached when 5 %~10 %(by mass) nano-particles are respectively added. In conclusion , the best formulation of acquiring a good underfiller comprehensively taking moisture absorption , thermal property and shearing strength into consideration is filling 3 %ZnO nano-particles.
Keywords :nano-filler ; epoxy resin ; moisture absorption ; underfiller